A different eye for landscapes

Artists Bev Hardidge, Ying Tang and Agnes Szetey at the YAVA Landscape exhibit. 296701_04 PICTURE: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Renee Wood

YAVA Gallery’s latest exhibit highlighting landscapes provides an interesting look into how different artists explore landscapes and scenery.

The exhibit is also bringing in live artist demonstrations, with the first held over the weekend by artist Ying Tang.

Ying Tang works with water colour and likes when the painting can express the artist’s emotions.

“Some paintings I really can’t tell what is a photo and what is a painting, I don’t like that – I want the painting to have some water for people to see, the water leaking and I like the hand in the brush,” Ms Tang said.

“The painting can tell you whether how the artist is emotionally and their feeling inside, it can tell you the artist’s personality.”

Artist Agnes Szetey is also one of the 15 artists on display, with Ms Szetey enjoying how viewers can get lost in landscapes.

“I started painting about 60 years ago, and I haven’t looked back,” Ms Szetey said.

“Landscapes can be serene, you can get lost in it. It doesn’t interfere, if there’s no people in it then really you can lose your imagination and be part of that place.”

Bev Hardidge works in acrylic and is drawn local scenes in the Yarra Valley countryside.

“We only have to drive around here in the Valley and wherever I drive is just always some scene that you think ‘I’d love to paint that’ I need to paint that,” Ms Hardidge said.

“It’s interesting, every artist would have their own unique style on doing landscape, not one is the same.”

Further live demonstrations will be held on the weekends during the exhibit, with more information available via https://www.yava.org.au/landscape