Time to roll out the show

The cast look forward to seeing you at the show. (SUPPLIED)

The big production for U3A Healesville’s Performance Group this year is not only a mix of a 1920s Honky Tonk Razzamatazz Show, but also Ye Olde England Scrooge pantomime.

Razzamatazz features a 1920s dance club, infiltrated by the mob, along with some comedy drama. The Ye Olde England Scrooge pantomime is set in London and features a typical Scrooge, but one who comes good. There are plenty of familiar Disney songs to sing along to.

There will be sparkly costumes, fun and entertainment for all.

It’s a big cast and is made up of the approximately 30 members of U3A Healesville’s Performance Group. The Performance Group have been meeting and rehearsing on Thursday afternoons since the beginning of the year, with most performers taking on one or two parts in the show, and needing a number of different costumes. Our sewing group have been very busy – the costumes are finalised, practices are intensifying, all to have the show ready to roll out on time.

To add extra oomph and entertainment, members of various U3A Healesville’s music groups will entertain attendees in the foyer of the Memo before the show.

Behind the scenes are an excellent team helping with all aspects of the production from technical staff skilled in complex audio, lighting and scenery projection. The very talented Neil Charnock provides the musical accompaniment on the keyboard.

This is the seventh year of U3A Healesville’s Performance groups shows, which are usually sold out over a number of nights at the Memo.

This year there are two performances, on Sunday 27 November at 2 pm and on Sunday 4 December at 2 pm. The show lasts for two hours, starting with a 35-minute Scrooge show, an interval and ‘Razzamatazz’ over about one hour.

At a cost of $10 per ticket, tickets are available from the Memo Ticket Office or by calling 1300 368 333.

Make sure to buy your tickets before they sell out.