When ‘did’ Christmas start anyway?


By Graeme Dawson, Chaplain to the community

Christmas day is just a few days away when most of us will try to replicate some of the great Christmases we have known.

However there can be a lot of pain around Christmas for many, especially the lonely and the grieving.

There is often an unreal expectation that somehow all the family conflicts of the past year will dissolve on the day, but a little too much to drink easily brings the old issues to the fore.

Of course most children will still be untainted, and will be going to bed excited and eager to wake up the next morning to surprises.

For many weeks now people have been sighing and complaining that Christmas seemed to start earlier each year and the in-store carols are driving them crazy.

So, when did Christmas start? A long time ago – around two thousand and twenty two years give or take a few years when ‘Julian’ and ‘Gregory’ fiddled with the calendars.

You might say that sounds like it belongs to a mythical saga before the mists of time, but in fact it is linked solidly with our current history and evidence of that time is in many places in the world.

Have you ever tried to make the link between the Jesus of Christmas and the Roman roads you might have walked on in the Middle East?

You may have seen the Roman roads and bridges in Britain, and the ancient buildings of Greece that you might have taken photos of? In fact it is all very tangible.

No, the Christmas story did not float out of the ‘long ago ether’. Jesus as the baby, and eventually the man, are rooted solidly in history. BC and AD, Before Christ and AD (Anno Domini) The year of the Lord, have allowed us to date our years. So 2022 speaks of 2022 years from the birth of Jesus.

So what does it say that Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus at Christmas every year since? I understand it to mean that this Jesus was no ordinary baby. He was the Son of God sent to earth to redeem fallen people, so that their relationship to their creator could be restored.

Of course, if we appropriate that as true, then doesn’t the message suit today well? Don’t we live in a fallen world?

Haven’t we got far away from our creator? Don’t we need restoration? Aren’t we desperate for relationships and belonging? Aren’t we people who are searching for love? The world I live in is screaming for these things. And do you know what? Christians believe that Jesus still lives today in His Heaven advocating for us as He promised he would do all those years ago and calling us to Him so that He can be the answer to the questions above.

From where I sit as a Chaplain and pastoral worker, I see many in crisis and I firmly believe that where they’re at is the very place where Jesus stands to meet them – at those metaphorical crossroads – at their point of crisis.

So next time we complain about Christmas starting early, and are annoyed with the carols, let’s try to see if we can locate the real Jesus of Christmas who transcends time but lives in it – our time.

This is a matter of God’s Grace and our faith working in tandem.

He did say that whoever looks for Him will find Him.

If you would like to get some of this unpacked over a coffee give me a call on the number below.

Many blessings and a safe and Merry Christmas.


Graeme Dawson, Chaplain to community