Dip yourself into plays

Kemp's Curtain Call. (File: 370283)

By Peter Kemp

The Boy From Oz

Produced by Theatrical a new Musical Theatre Company founded in 2020 to add to Melbourne’s theatre world.

The company’s production of The Boy From Oz has certainly shown the love of musical theatre from its production and audience reaction.

The current show is a wonderful production.

Of course the story is about the life of Peter Allen, his childhood life wanting to sing ad go on to bigtime show business.

The production was basic.

The set comprised of an illuminated arch at centre stage rear and in front a grand piano, plus a small piano brought onstage as required.

Peter Allen was played and sang by Matthew Hadgraft.

A superb performance.

Matthew was onstage the whole evening never missing a beat, with great audience participation and amazing energy.

He dominated the production and is definitely an asset to any theatre.

As a young lad, Peter was on opening night portrayed by Reuben Koronczyk.

Peter’s mother was given a good interpretation by Maureen Andrew.

She worked well with the young Peter Allen and the older Peter Alen.

Judy Garland was portrayed by Saskia Penn. Saska captured the essence of Judy Garland and worked well with Matthew.

Liza Minelli was given a great performance with feeling by Sarah Monteaux actually looked like Leza Minelli which made the audience feel they were actually watching Peter’s life.

The was a chorus of three singers, Silvia Kokkinos., Tara Lichenstein and Angelina Sevastopoulos They were background to Peter Allen and on occasion did their own singing.

A large cast of singers and dancers all adding to the enjoyment of the evening with some terrific musical spots and dancing.

A very enjoyable evening for the first night audience.

CPP Community Theatre news

There are new shows in town both in Melbourne and at CPP.

There is always so much to do between finishing the play and starting the musical, and this year has been no exception.

Away from the stage CPP has been busy raising much needed funds at the annual Bunnings Barbecue and gearing up for the mid-year fundraiser.

This year to celebrate Christmas in July the company will be bringing back a fan favourite, the trivia night.

This night is always a good natured but hotly contested competition to come away with the first prize.

After a flurry of information nights and auditions, the company has cast their production of Hello Dolly and rehearsals have begun in earnest.

The Gem Community Theatre

Night Watch

Set in the city of Ankin-Morpork on the Discworld, follows grizzled commander and career copper Sam Vimes.

Vimes is fleeing back in time 30 years in a magical accident while pursing the murderess Carcer, and now has to apprehend the bad guy, teach his younger self how to be a Good Copper, and find his way back home to be a father to his newborn son.

Of course, all of this .would likely be easier if Ankin-Morpork weren’t in the middle off a full-scale revolution

Season opens Friday 12 July.


The 1812 Theatre. The Sweet Delilah Swim Club. Season: 1 – 24 August. Bookings: 9758 3964