Cat Containment: Keeping your feline safe and happy indoors

Animal Aid chief executive officer Mark Menze. (File: 183951)

By Mark Menze

At Animal Aid, we believe that keeping cats safely contained is one of the most effective ways to ensure their health and well-being.

Outdoor cats face numerous risks, from traffic accidents to predators and disease, and containment can help protect both them and local wildlife.

To give cats the best of both worlds, many cat owners, including myself, have taken steps to create secure outdoor spaces.

Installing cat enclosures or catios allows cats to safely enjoy the outdoors without the hazards associated with free roaming.

Whether it’s a simple fenced area or a more elaborate structure, these enclosures offer a safe solution for cats to explore outside.

Indoors, providing enriching activities such as climbing shelves, tunnels, and interactive toys can keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated.

Regularly changing their environment and offering new challenges can help prevent boredom and stress.

It’s also important to check local cat containment laws, which are designed to protect both pets and wildlife.

By embracing these solutions, cat owners can create a safe and engaging space for their pets, ensuring they lead happy and fulfilling lives.

For those looking for more advice on cat containment, enclosures, and transitioning cats to indoor life, we’ll be holding an upcoming session where we’ll share tips on creating the perfect environment for your cat.

Tune in on Wednesday 18 September at 7.30 to hear from our two expert speakers: Suellen Marshall, Coldstream cattery manager with 10 years of experience working with cats, including seven years dedicated to animal welfare, and Dylan Luff, Animal Aid’s animal behaviourist with a passion for creating harmony between you and your feline friend.

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