Horse Talk

Horse and Pony Clubs are taking off in 2024. Picture: SUPPLIED

By Anita Prowse

Happy New Year to everyone, it been great to see so many clinics and camps running over the holiday period still attracting great numbers, people everywhere enjoying their horses, and 2024 looks to be very full again in the Valley.

A reminder that Pony Club memberships are now due and must be paid through the PCA JustGo website before attending any PCV events or Rallies.

Coming up at Wesburn Park:

The Donkey Festival on January 21 is promising to be a wonderful day out for everyone, followed by UYPC’s Annual Australia Day Freshmans, very low-key and fun training day starting at 10am, with a full canteen running, even if you are not riding come down to say hi and have an enjoyable Aussie Day…the rain will stop eventually…won’t it?

Then, Yarra Glen ARC are running a Dressage Series on Friday March 8, Friday April 12 and Friday May 10. Pheonix ARC will run their Dressage Day on March 16. Contact relevant Clubs for more information.

Given this time of year a lot of people are busy stockpiling hay, please be aware to make sure you know exactly when hay you are purchasing was baled and check for heat in stacked bales regularly, the massive amount of moisture around has the potential to be a very big problem, so be vigilant and mindful.

The same goes for skin and hoof issues, as well as the laminitis prone, usually by this time we can relax a little, but not this year with humidity and rain very predominant.

Hopefully riders will get a break from the rain to get out and enjoy the longer days, happy riding everyone.