By Ian Milgate
Friday night was the third night in our summer series of Family Barefoot Bowls under a beautiful summers evening.
It was well represented by the local community, in fact nearly 80 people attended including children and teenagers.
It was great to see not one mobile phone was looked at or put to the ear for the duration of the night.
Everyone was just having great family time.
They enjoyed bowling for some great prizes at the end of the night.
Healesville Bowling Club also had its famous barbecue going along with free give aways including ice poles for the kids.
It came down to two teams to fight it out in the final.
It was the best of two ends, but due to the score still being level after the two ends, the two skips had to roll two bowls each down to decide the winner.
Nerves started to creep in with both first bowls a little distance from the jack and then one finished about one metre from the jack.
The last bowl came down, wicked off the other bowl and moved the jack across to their bowl.
What a finish.
The runner up and winners for the night received cash prizes for their efforts.
If you missed out and would like to be part of the next Family Barefoot Bowls night, it will be on Friday 21 February so come along and have a great time.
Saturday Pennant started back with Side 1 playing away at Croydon who were sitting on top of the ladder, so it was going to be a big ask but if Healesville got away to a good start, it could be possible.
Adrian Beales rink got away to a flyer which gave the team a one shot lead at the half time break 39/38.
After the break, it was a sea sawing game with Croydon getting the lead, with only a few ends to go.
Woosha’s rink were trying to wear down their opponents while Steve Bulled’s rink were barrelling along.
In the end, Healesville were too strong for them winning by nine shots 86/77.
A great effort by all.
Ian Milgate, Colin Jarvis, Robert Ayres, Mark Ward 12/26
Barry Parker, Bob Brown, Effie Laban, John Fitzpatrick 22/20
John Howard, Chris Hawting, Rita Featherstone, Steve Bulled 31/12
Gerda Otto, Mick Featherstone, Robyn Turville, Adrian Beales 23/19
Side 2 played away at Hurtsbridge and it was going to be a huge ask to win as the team was depleted due to injury and sickness.
The game was fairly close from the beginning and by the half time break, Healesville were trailing by five shots 23/28.
Hurtsbridge came out after the break and stretched their lead out to finally come home 18 shots ahead of Healesville 46/64.
A great effort considering Healesville did not have a full field. (Watch this space)
Jill Cookney, Glenda Graham, Mike Adams 16/21
Jim Viggers. John Allen, Anne Knibbs, Judy Veermann 15/18
Judy Wallace, Kenny Gallacher, Mark Cookney, Bernard Godde 15/25