Healesville saved from bushfire threat

Elvis drops fire retardant on the fire burning north of Chum Creek. Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


THE threat from the bushfire burning north of Healesville has ceased and the fire is under control.
A watch and act warning for the town was downgraded by the CFA at 3.43pm, declaring the fire, which has been burning since about 11am, under control.
“With the changed weather conditions, there is now no threat to communities,” the warning read.
Residents in the area near the fire are urged to remain informed on the fire’s status and to monitor conditions.

THE tide appears to be turning for a bushfire which is burning north of Chum Creek, with the CFA making progress against the blaze.
CFA spokesman Ian Cross told the Mail at 3pm that he believes an aggressive response taken to the fire, with aircraft and dozens of fire trucks sent out, had been successful.
“At this stage, it looks like we’re getting on top of it,” he said.
“The threat has significantly eased but residents who received a watch and act advice should maintain a watch on their properties.
“We will get on top of this – no question about that – but people still need to keep watch.”
Mr Cross said that no homes had yet been affected by the fire but that the CFA was concerned that a south-westerly wind change, which is expected between 3pm and 7pm, may change the direction of the fire.
About 42 fire trucks and three aircraft are currently engaged in fighting the fire with Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and Parks Victoria staff assisting.
A brief spell of rain helped with the firefighting effort, according to Mr Cross, but the rain has since ceased.
More information as it comes.

HEAVY rain has started in Healesville as a Watch and Act Warning is issued by the CFA for the Chum Creek area.
Fire crews are fighting the blaze in hard to reach terrain.
It is hoped the rain can help their efforts. More information as it comes.


CFA operations manager Mark Kennedy has confirmed that the fire near Healesville was started by a lightning strike.
Speaking to ABC radio, Mr Kennedy said that the fire was about five hectares in size in inaccessible terrain.
He said weather conditions were not causing fire crews too many problems because there were no strong winds in the area.
He said several houses in Robyn Drive were under ember attack.
More information as it comes.

TWENTY five fire trucks  and three helicopters, including Elvis, are fighting a fire near Ryans Road in Chum Creek.
The size of the fire is still unknown but the fire is in difficult to access terrain at the back of Chum Creek heading south towards Healesville.
Smoke is blanketing the Chum Creek side of Healesville, with the plume of smoke visible from the far side of of the town.
It’s believed that the fire may have started from a lightning strike, although this has not been confirmed.
A few residents have sought shelter at the Don Road Complex at the other end of town.
Fire brigades from all around the Yarra Ranges area are on hand to help their fellow volunteers. 

AN EMERGENCY warning has been issued by the CFA for a fast moving, out of control fire travelling towards Healesville from Chum Creek.

Information from the CFA says the fire is headed towards Cornelius Crescent, Beverley Drive, Dorothy Street, Ryans Road, Christie Parade, Pollard Drive and Merton Grove, Healesville.
They say spotfires and ember attacks are starting up to 200 metres ahead of the main fire at Healesville.
Residents have been told that it is too late to leave.
More to come.