Men’s Shed join the cubs for environment badge

The cubs and Men's Shed members enjoyed working together for the project. PICTURES: SUPPLIED

By Renee Wood

Badger Creek and District Men’s Shed have assisted the Healesville Scouts’ cubs in gaining their environment badges.

The Men’s Shed worked with the young cubs to build bird boxes to complete their program.

Roy Bennett and Martin Diamond attended the scouts over two nights to assist in building and painting the boxes.

Secretary Graham Chester said they were prefabricated beforehand and ready for the children to put them together.

“Our members get quite a lot of satisfaction helping kids with their projects and mentoring in a practical way that we can help with the community and local families,” Mr Chester said.

Mr Chester said it’s also an extension of their work with Birds Life Australia who have been requesting bird boxes for areas that were destroyed by the summer 2022 fires.

“After the fires when a lot of the forest was destroyed, they put out the call for any organisation to help out in building bird boxes to put them back out in the trees and give the birds a home to start breeding again.

“The ones we built ended up in Mallacoota, that‘s been ongoing the last two years we’ve been involved in that.”

The Men’s Shed also works with the Badger Creek Primary School to help students get re-engaged with learning after two years in and out of remote learning.

“Mainly to get them to use their hands and get back to learning in a tactile way,” he said.

“Some have found a bit difficult to get back into in-school learning.”

Anyone interested in joining the Men’s Shed is encouraged to come down to the shed behind the CFA station at 360 Badger Creek Road.