Boost for youth

YOUTH in the Upper Yarra have been given almost $10,000 to see their ideas grow and benefit the community.
The latest round of Upper Yarra grants was given out from Youth Foundations Victoria last Thursday.
Project facilitator Zephlyn Neilsen said the project works to champion the ideas of young people.
“We are able to support young people to see an idea grow into a project which will give them new skills and take them into the community for the benefit of all,” she said.
The present round of grants given out last week went to Woori Yallock Farm School, Seville Rangers Youth Girls Football Club and various programs at Upper Yarra Secondary College, including the chaplaincy program, music trivia social evening and intra-school sport carnival.
Young people receiving these grants will use them for youth-led community strengthening projects which address the issues faced by diverse young people in disadvantaged communities.
Grant recipients need to be groups of young people – 12 to 25 years old – who live, work or study between Wandin and Warburton.
YFV Upper Yarra is a partnership between the Victorian Government, Warburton, Woori Yallock and Wandin Seville Community Banks and the community to enable young people to look at the needs of their local area, develop funds and make small grants for local youth-led activities.
For a grant application form or further information contact Zephlyn Neilsen on 0413 501 211.