Badger Creek Men’s Shed deliver bird boxes to revive gardens in the hills

Mario Herodotus, Roy Bennett, Graeme Chester, Ron Closter, Greg Suhr and Ashley Smith with the bird boxes the Badger Creek Men's Shed has built. PICTURE: RENEE WOOD

by Renee Wood

Badger Creek Men’s Shed have taken part in a project to install animal nesting boxes in areas which were affected by the 2021 storms.

It’s part of the Yarra Ranges Council’s Healing in our Gardens program which is aimed at helping residents revive their gardens after the devastating storms.

The boxes are built for purpose with two separate designs needed to suit rosellas or gliders to encourage the animals back into the areas after losing hollowed trees.

Badger Creek Men’s Shed sent of their first shipment late last year and now has the next 25 ready for pick up to be delivered to Dandenong Ranges homes.

Council recruited the Yarra Ranges Men’s Shed Network to work on the nesting boxes, something the Badger Creek members were happy to join.

The materials were provided as well as a donation for labour per box to each shed for their hard work.

Secretary Graeme Chester said it’s been a good project for the group here.

“Part of the role of a Men’s Shed is to provide support for community, particularly a lot of community service organisations,” Mr Chester said.

New member Ashley Smith joined last July and has been a part of the nesting boxes project.

Mr Smith said it’s been a great opportunity joining the group and has been able to use his skills from his building career.

“It’s good.. I came along looking to do something like this,” he said.

President Mario Herodotus said the Men’s Shed always welcomes new members and aims to provide a place that’s rich with friendship and comradery, while also sharing skills.

“We do help those men who are getting older, who have retired, who don’t have the friendships anymore, who don’t have to companions anymore,” he said.

“They’re just sitting at home trying to figure out what do I do next? This is a cool place for guys like that.”

The Badger Creek shed has equipment for wood work, metal work and even has a group that’s dedicated to photography.

“We run a couple of different classes on different tools here, we have projects like this that council comes up with that we can share with people, there’s even guys bringing stuff from home that need repaired.”

Mr Chester said it’s not all about being on the tools, anyone is welcome to also come and just sit and have a cuppa and a chat.

“They may come over and do something but they might just say well today I just want to come down have a cup of tea and have a chat to the blocks, that’s what it’s about.”

The Badger Creek Men’s Shed is open Mondays and Wednesdays 9.30am to 3.30pm at 360 Badger Creek Road, Badger Creek behind the CFA station.