St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School welcomes new kids

Prep children and Ms Dwyer did the colouring together. Picture: DONGYUN KWON

By Dongyun Kwon

Prep children of St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School in Healesville went to school for the first time on Thursday 1 February.

St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School principal Tess Dwyer said the kids came in very happily into school.

“They really enjoyed the activities and everything the teachers have been doing with the students and getting to know each other,” she said.

“That’s a really important part of starting prep, so they’ve found lots of friends and they’re all settled and happy.”

The transition program helped the children become familiar with the school and the staff.

St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School prep teacher Kate Thomson said they have a balanced program for prep children to support their social and emotional well-being.

“We spend a lot of time playing, getting to know the children and giving them opportunities to play with each other,” she said.

“We have a literacy program and maths program for the more formal part of the learning.

“At the beginning of the year, we have time to assess and find out what their understanding is before they start school, so we know where to begin and how to best support them with their learning.”

The school also has a specialist program through which the preps can do library, art, music and physical education.

The children learn religious education as well.

34 preps have enrolled in the school this year and they are divided into two classes.

“Our prep teachers work really closely together, they do a lot of team teaching, so the prep groups are well connected even though they’re in two classes,” Ms Dwyer said.

Ms Thomson said she loves teaching preps.

“We really welcome the parents who are such an important part of a child’s journey, especially starting school,” she said.

“These are the foundational years and they’re very special years.

“It’s just so exciting to see how much growth occurs over the years both in their social and emotional development, but also their learning.”