New defibrillator for Coldstream Football Netball Club

Coldstream FNC president Ash (left) and secretary Sam (middle) with Mr Violi. (Supplied)

Coldstream Football Netball Club is now equipped with a lifesaving new defibrillator thanks to a grant from Federal Casey MP Aaron Violi.

The Coldstream Football Netball Club was able to purchase the defibrillator after receiving a $2,330 grant through Mr Violi’s recent Volunteer Grants round.

Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by providing grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 to support the efforts of volunteers and encourage others to get involved.

“Defibrillators at local sporting clubs like Coldstream Football Netball Club keep both players and spectators safe and provide extra peace of mind for all at the club,” Mr Violi said.

“In the event of an emergency, every second counts. The defibrillator will provide all who use the club with a sense of relief that in the event an emergency occurred, they have the equipment they need to ensure best chances of survival.

“As our local MP, I am proud to see local sporting clubs like Coldstream Football Netball Club investing in this equipment for the safety of others in our community.”