Key-hole surgery to the fore

LAPSurgery Australia, Melbourne, was founded in 1987 by Richard Gilhome and Ray McHenry and they have since been joined by Chris Hensman and David Scott.
Together, these surgeons bring to the practice a vast experience in key-hole surgery for a range of procedures – Laparoscopic Gastric Banding, Endoscopic Hernia Repair, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel and Endoscopic Thoroscopic Symapathectomy.
They have been performing Laparoscopic Gastric Banding since 1997 and are currently performing over 400 procedures a year. The practice is proud to offer a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach to the patients needs and prides itself as a centre of excellence. The team is made up of the surgeons who assist each other in performing the surgery, the practice nurses, physicians, psychologists, dietitian and lap band co-ordinator. Collectively they provide excellent patient care and support before surgery and following surgery for life.
For patients with serious weight loss problems, scientific studies have proven the adjustable gastric band to be the safest, most effective method of long term weight loss. After surgery most people can expect to lose between 50-60 percent of their excess weight and dramatically reduce the risk of other health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease and even premature death.
The adjustable band which is placed around the top of the stomach works in the following ways:
1. Slowing down the eating process.
2. Reducing the amount you can eat.
3. Sending a message to the brain that you are full.
4. Allowing you to eat normal foods (but smaller amounts).
Through tiny incisions, the surgeon places the band around the top of the stomach. The band has a connecting tube that is placed in the abdomen.
The band is inflated or deflated by injecting fluid into the tube.
The procedure takes around an hour, the patient is in hospital for 1- 2 nights returning to normal activities in 7-10 days in most circumstances.
The patient and referring doctor are provided with phone assistance 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In order for the patient to make an informed decision about considering weight surgery, the practice runs free information seminars monthly. The weight loss process is gradual. With the support of our team members and the patient you a healthy weight range can be achieved with a regular exercise routine in 12 to 18 months and a positive lifestyle outcome for life.
Please call Lap Surgery Australia on 9210 7727 to speak to one of our friendly dedicated team members or visit