
– Helena Adeloju
THE Climate Torch will be on a mission when it winds through the streets of Healesville with a message to halve Australia’s greenhouse emissions by 2020.
The torch relay was scheduled to begin its journey throughout the Yarra Valley in Warburton today (2 September) and will reach Healesville on 4 September.
The Healesville leg of the relay will kick off with a symbolic greeting to the Sun at on Mount St Leonards on Thursday morning to highlight the importance of the Sun as the Earth’s ultimate source of energy.
Local residents will have the opportunity to participate in the relay when the torch is passed hand-to-hand though Healesville’s main street.
The torch will then be received by councillor Samantha Dunn at Healesville Railway Station at noon before continuing it journey towards Canberra.
Local organiser Steve Meacher of Healesville Environment Watch and C4 Healesville said: “As the gateway to the forested catchments of the Central Highlands, Healesville is at particular risk from changed rainfall patterns and bushfires of increased severity and frequency.”
Mr Meacher said the relay was a chance to show that the Healesville community expects effective action on climate change.
“These same forests are among the most carbon-dense in the world and therefore have the potential to be an important part of the solution.”
The Climate Torch was created by the designers of Sydney Olympic Torch and is powered by natural power sources that do not emit carbon.
The torch features solar power, a wind-turbine, people power and a lemon battery representing the innovative and creative solutions that could be adopted in the effort to avert dangerous climate change.
Head designer Mark Armstrong said: “The four energy sources power an onboard microprocessor and LCD display, showing the message ‘halve Australia’s greenhouse pollution by 2020’.
After a six-week journey around the country the GetUp Climate Torch relay will find its way to Parliament House, Canberra.
For more information contact Steve Meacher on 5962 9008.