Cards a right royal pursuit

By Kath Gannaway
BEFORE Trivial Pursuit invaded every lounge room in the ’80s, card games were the popular way to spend a night at home with friends.
It was all about socialising and having fun and that’s just what The Crown Hotel in Lilydale had in mind when they recently introduced their Thursday Night Poker games and Sunday Night Trivia.
Crown’s assistant manager Mark Hillman said the aim is to provide an evening activity which brings people together in a fun way.
The trivia host has a great supply of general trivia questions as well as celebrity, music and “name the faces” segments.
Teams – any number from one to 21 – play for a jackpot but there are also smaller prizes along the way to add to the “winning” atmosphere.
Thursday night is poker night and, once again, with a tournament director on hand to organise the games, it’s a great opportunity to get together with friends, or meet new ones, over a friendly game of poker.
Mr Hillman said participation was free with each player starting with the same value of free chips. Players were eliminated as the games went on with the opportunity for winning players to qualify for the Australian Poker League state final and the chance to win real money. There are prizes throughout the night and for those who want to learn the game, the tournament director is there to help.
For further information phone Mr Hillman on 9735 1619, or just call in at The Crown Hotel, 273 Main Street, Lilydale on Thursday or Sunday and join in.