Heat drives bowlers to the bar

EIGHTY lawn bowlers from around the state turned up at Healesville on Sunday for the annual regional RVBA Fours.
They came from 16 clubs to compete, but it was the Healesville team of Terry Langdon, Ted Upton, Charlie Saunders and Stuart Derrick who took the honours on the day.
The runner-up team was a composite Healesville team.
Bowlers from Winchelsea, Bendigo, Melbourne, Box Hill, Fitzroy and Karingal were among the 80 players.
“The bar did a roaring trade on such a hot day,” chairman of the Healesville club board George McLaren said.
“There were four sponsors and it was a real community event.”
The event is the richest of the season for prize money, awards going to the winners, runners-up, and best first, second, and third games.