By Monique Ebrigton
SAILING around the world solo wouldn’t be a dream shared by many Wesburn youngsters.
Nick Jaffe grew up in Wesburn, attending the Little Yarra Steiner School, and the 27-year-old is preparing to sail from San Francisco to Brisbane solo in April.
As a child it wasn’t one of his dreams either.
Just two years ago Nick, with no experience in the sport, says on a whim he decided that he might like to sail around the world.
“It began when I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to sail around the world. Then I thought, how do I do it and it just spiralled from there,” Nick said.
Being a self-confessed “fast learner” and always impulsive, in 2006 he bought a one-way ticket to Germany, and the qualified software developer set his mind to his latest adventure.
From Germany Nick spent a year in England working, mainly in bars, to buy his 26ft, 1972 Contessa named Constellation.
After learning the ropes and sailing down the coast of Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean and on to New York City Nick decided to aim high and complete another large voyage often reserved for retirement.
“Life’s too short to wait. I know this is the dream for many retired people but I feel like I’m retired now. I’ll probably go to work in my seventies,” Nick laughed.
Battling seasickness, sleep deprivation and a fear of what else travels in the ocean Nick says is worth the adventure.
“A holiday to me is not sitting on a beach. Freedom, to me, is a trip like this and real freedom entails a whole lot of sacrifice,” Nick said.
To beat hurricane season Nick will set off from San Francisco in April, across the Pacific Ocean, and reach Brisbane around October.
To follow his journey or to learn more visit www.bigoceans. com