Race club plans economic win

By Kath Gannaway
THE Healesville Amateur Race Club has raised the barrier on two months of events it estimates will bring near $3million into the local economy.
Vice-president Anthony Schache said the committee had been working hard since Black Saturday to attract major events.
While the circus planned for March has been cancelled, April is set to be a real winner.
On 11 April the traditional Easter Saturday Picnic Races will go ahead as a bushfire/community fundraising event. This meeting is always a tremendous drawcard and a fantastic family and friends get-together which will this year have special significance.
Gate proceeds will go to the Healesville, Badger Creek and Chum Creek fire brigades.
Sunday 19 April has been earmarked for a Community Benefit Concert.
Planning for this event is in the final stages but organisers have said two stages will be set up for the 15 bands and solo artists from the Yarra Valley and Melbourne who have put their hands up to perform.
Mr Schache said the events will provide an economic boost to the local economy and play a major role in re-establishing business for the local community.
“Since the disaster, the club has been pro-active in ensuring pre-arranged events at the race track will go ahead and have arranged additional events,” he said.
“The club understands the economic impact the bushfires have had on businesses and people’s lives in the local community and is proud to be able to support those affected by the bushfire tragedy and believe this will go some way to bringing our local community back to normality.”
The wider community can support the club’s efforts by heading down to the track to ensure all these events are a success.
For details phone club president John O’Neill on 0418 260 227 or Mr Schache on 0409 506 672.