The best is on demand

ROB Bartlett has a demanding boss.
In fact, as owner of Bartlett Ag, a family-run business based in Narbethong, he is his own boss, but he’s been in the farming industry long enough to know that getting the best out of the land is a partnership.
“We need to be able to work with our boss, Mother Nature,” he said.
“We need to take advantage of all the factors she offers up so we can do our bit and then the grass will grow for the farmers.”
While being adaptable, and fitting in with all the vagaries of the weather and other demands, Rob said planning ahead is always the best policy.
Bartlett Ag has the benefit of all those years of experience but Rob is also very much a new generation farmer.
He uses modern farming techniques and said there is no getting away from the benefits of direct drilling for pasture and seed.
The company specialises in all types of liquid fertiliser spreading and direct drilling.
Rob said modern-day practices have seen a move away from chemical fertilisers.
“We offer organic and non-certified fertilisers and are able to provide certification for those who want to farm totally organic,” he said.
Bartlett Ag operates with modern equipment and prides itself on offering a reliable and competitively priced service for small blocks up to large rural properties.
Bartlett Ag is also happy to provide quotations and consultations.
“One of the most important jobs farmers have is growing feed for their animals,” Rob said.
“It’s now, as we are coming into autumn, that the planning is so critical.
“We’re seeing the beginning of the fertilising season, so it’s a good time for property owners to get in touch and talk about their pasture requirements,” Rob said.
Phone Rob on 5963 7248 or mobile on 0477 481 273.