YELLINGBO’S environmental volunteers have been recognised for their dedication and hard work.
The Friends of the Helmeted Honey Eaters (FHEE) volunteers work in the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve.
The jobs they do vary from helping to pot plants, collecting seeds and re-vegetating areas along the creeks in the reserve.
Murray and Natalie Stewart were among the first volunteers when the group began in 1989.
Mr Stewart said there were very primitive nursery conditions at the time, but the reserve had come a long way.
“It’s wonderful to see some areas which had no original indigenous plants now flourishing as full patches after 20 years,” he said.
The Stewarts volunteer every Thursday, but also enjoy helping at local fetes and festivals, to ensure the community is aware of what the group does.
Mrs Stewart said they were “enthusiastic participants”.
“We like the people, and we like the involvement. It’s a very positive educational tool,” she said.
“We see the environment and people living in harmony – people are enjoying and respecting their environment.”
The FHHE has more than 50 volunteers who spend Tuesday, Thursday or the weekend at the reserve.
The volunteers were thanked by Parks Victoria and the DSE, and received certificates of appreciation for their time and effort.