Berserk man in hotel rampage

By Kath Gannaway
HEALESVILLE police Sergeant Wayne Williams has hit out at people “who are prepared to turn a blind eye” to violence after a very visible assault in Healesville.
A Healesville man has been charged following a series of assaults at the Grand Hotel and the nearby Grind n Groove Café/Bar on Saturday night, 1 October.
Describing the assaults as unprovoked and random, Sgt Williams said police were continuing their investigations and were looking for more witnesses and more victims to come forward.
The man left the Grand Hotel in Healesville where he had been involved in a fight around midnight and entered the Grind n Groove where he punched a female employee, knocking her unconscious and then punched a second female employee who had gone to her aid.
A male patron who tried to help was also seriously assaulted before other staff and patrons were able to push the man out the door.
Ziggy Callan who works at the Grind n Groove told the Mail it was a shock for staff and for the 20 or so customers who, she said, were just enjoying the music and having fun.
“It was totally random and not something we have had happen here before,” she said.
“We are all quite shocked but importantly none of us is seriously hurt and we’re all very glad no-one else was hurt,” she said.
Sgt Williams said police were wanting to get more information on the incident at the Grand Hotel and want to hear from other witnesses to the assaults at the Grind n Groove which, he said, had built a good reputation as a well-run business.
He said there were more than a dozen witnesses at the Grind n Groove, and that it was disappointing that only a small number had had the courage to speak with police.
“Victoria Police has been pushing the Violence Against Women – Australia Say No” campaign yet we have an incident of violence against two local women in Healesville and there seems to be a lot of people who are prepared to turn a blind eye to it,” he said.
The 29-year-old Healesville man has been charged with 14 offences, including assault causing serious injury and bailed to appear at Ringwood Magistrates’ Court on 20 November 2011.
Anyone with information can contact Healesville police on 5962 4422.