Shed’s cash flow

By Mara Pattison-Sowden
YARRA Junction is showing how it supports local groups, with generous donations collected to help Ben’s Shed raise the money it needs to stay open.
Local businesses have been donating goods for a giant garage sale at the shed, the men have made and distributed mini Ben’s Shed money boxes in the community and they have opened an appeal at the bank.
Ben’s Shed vice president Bob Finch said the community had donated more than $2200 so far.
“It doesn’t sound a lot when we need to raise $50,000 but considering this is from individuals in the community, every last bit counts,” he said.
Ben’s Shed needs to raise the $50,000 to pay for the lease on the Yarra Junction land, which the building is tied to, or face closure.
The men involved mentor school children and people with disabilities, while teaching them woodworking skills.
Unlike other sheds across the state, Ben’s Shed was begun with community funding to secure the ideal location in the main street of Yarra Junction.
Their first major fund-raiser is a gigantic garage sale on Saturday 29 October.
The men have been building tradesmen’s toolboxes, doll cradles and bread boxes to sell, along with everything else they can gather.
“We’re asking everyone to have a spring clean and send any goods that can be donated to help us,” Mr Finch said.
“We’re going to be there from 9am until we’re sold out or we collapse!”
Anyone who may be able to help keep Ben’s Shed open can contact Jenny Hoskins on 5967 5800.