It’s funny bones

Lynda is enjoying the company and skills of Oppy the skeleton.Lynda is enjoying the company and skills of Oppy the skeleton.

By Mara Pattison-Sowden
SOME of Lynda Johnston’s patients joke that she needs to give her “boyfriend” more to eat.
Others are finding the life-size skeleton a great help in visualising their concerns at the Yarra Junction practice.
Ms Johnstone, a physiotherapist at the practice, can’t get enough of the “top of the range” skeleton with joints, discs and muscles that are colour-coded and movable.
“He’s the deluxe model, he’s just great,” she said.
“If people can see what is wrong with them then I can show them how to correct it.”
Patients are learning more about their bodies and children have been fascinated with the bendable joints.
“I’m using the shoulder the most, so many people have shoulder pathology, or woodchopper’s arm, as I like to call it,” she said.
Ms Johnstone started searching for a skeleton several months ago, but appealed to the community for help when she found out the cost.
The Yarra Junction Community Opportunity Shop donated almost $1200 in answer to her letter for help.