Scouts salute new home

Healesville First Scout Group with Casey MP Tony Smith, Seymour MP Cindy McLeish and members of the community all gathered to open the refurbished scout hall.


HEALESVILLE First Scouts Group has celebrated a new lease on life for its community hall, which officially wrapped up a $50,000 refurbishment last week.
The hall has undergone renovations to its storage facilities, Venturer’s Den and toilets over the last 15 months as part of a grant to improve the amenities for scouts and community members.
The upgrade also included a new unisex shower for the hall, as well as a restructure of drainage and landscaping around the scout group’s fire circle.
Around 60 people attended the hall on Sunday 17 November for formal opening ceremony with Seymour MP Cindy McLeish, representing Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith.
Scout Leader Helen Quinn said the day, which included a public tour of the newly furbished facilities, was a success and that the upgrades improved the atmosphere of the hall.
“I think the scouts are really enjoying having the upgraded bathrooms, and when it comes to packing for camp, it’s a lot easier now we’ve got a big roller door,” Ms Quinn said.
“We’re very pleased – the facilities have been upgraded and are going to be a lot more modern and pleasant for hall users to enjoy.”
The refurbishment of the hall cost a total of $50,000-$25,000 contributed from the Victorian Government, which was matched by Scouts Victoria.
Ms Quinn said the grant, which came from the Victorian Government’s Scouts and Guides Facilities Grants Program, was recognition of the importance of having good facilities for young people.
Ms McLeish said that scouts play a vital role in the community, through learning leadership skills and volunteer work, and that the refurbishment would assist the group with their work.
“The upgrade to the Healesville Scout Hall means that the scouts will be able to continue their fantastic work with local young people for many years to come,” she said.
“In addition, the wider community can now also use the hall for events and activities.”
The Healesville Scouts Hall is available for public use at a rate of $15 per hour.
For more information, contact Helen Quinn on 0413 089 290.