Open for decade of art

A WEEKEND of events will be held this week to celebrate a decade of art in the community and the latest works at Healesville’s TarraWarra Museum of Art (TWMA).
The TWMA Open Weekend will be held on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 December, celebrating the gallery’s 10th year of running.
As part of the open weekend, entry to the museum will be free to the public and a number of events will be held both in and out of the gallery.
From 11am-5pm each day, visitors can walk upon a specially-laid trail that discusses the indigenous and European history of the area on the way up to the gallery.
Pop-up Art Talks will be held from noon to 4pm on selected works by renowned artist Russell Drysdale, which currently adorn the walls of the gallery.
Jess the Wedge-tailed Eagle will be visiting the gallery between noon and 12.30pm on both days, weather permitting, for a special show.
Jess’s appearance is inspired by the indigenous-themed Future Memorials exhibition, which focus on Coranderrk, indigenous heritage and William Barak and features materials from the area.
Cricket clinics, inspired by Drysdale’s famous work The Cricketers, will be held from 11am to 1pm all weekend on the green hills around the gallery, with coaches from the Healesville Cricket Club giving pointers to players.
Sausage sizzles will be manned by members of the Yarra Glen and District Men’s Shed, raising money for the group, while food and wine will be available from the gallery.
On Sunday 8 December, a children’s workshop will be held on making sculptures, led by artist Sarah Mezner.
The cost of the sculpture workshop is $20 per child, or $18 for members.
All the events, with the exception of the sculpture workshop, are free.
To book for the workshop, or for more information, visit