Battery drive in top gear

Wandin Rotary's Les Sharp and Wandin FNC's Gayle Burgi are on the hunt for old batteries. 119276_01. Picture: KATH GANNAWAY.


WANDIN Rotary Club is collecting old car batteries to light up the Wandin Football ground.
That doesn’t mean the Bulldogs have given electric power the flick. It simply means that all those old batteries stored in garages and sheds around the Yarra Valley can be turned into cash to help pay for the new lights that went up at the ground in March.
Rotarians Les Sharp and Heinz Budweg are hoping every old battery in the Yarra Valley will find its way to the Wandin or Seville shopping centre car parks on Saturday 3 May.
Wandin Rotarians will be at both locations from 8am to noon to take charge of the batteries, and Les says they don’t mind how many batteries people want to bring along.
“We’ve been doing a bit of collecting and have over 130 batteries just in this area, and we’re sure there are a lot more out there,” Les said.
He urged farmers to have a look around for old tractor and truck batteries, and everyone who has ever had an unplanned flat battery to take the opportunity to dispose of them in an way that is safe, environmentally sound, and will benefit the local football club.
WFNC committee member Gayle Burgi said the club was very grateful for funding that meant the club could train better and longer and urged people to get behind Rotary’s Battery Drive.
“The lights have made a tremendous difference and down the track may mean we are able to host twilight matches and finals,” she said.
Funding for the lights came from Rotary, Yarra Ranges Council, State Government and local sponsors.
“It’s another case of everybody working together to get a good result for the community,” Les said.
For more information, phone 5964 2131.