Independent’s election bid


A HEALESVILLE businessman and philanthropist has thrown his hat into the ring for the November election, announcing as an independent candidate.
The Mail can reveal that, as of today (Tuesday 10 June), Healesville’s Bruce Argyle will be an independent candidate for the electorate of Eildon.
Mr Argyle said that his aim was to emulate the election campaign of Indi Federal MP Cathy McGowan, who led a grassroots campaign last year to unseat then-MP Sophie Mirabella.
He said he believed residents in the area had been “disillusioned” with the major parties in recent times.
“People are looking for a strong community voice – someone who actually consults with, listens to and represents their views, rather than toeing the party line,” he said.
A member of the Save Healesville Hospital Action Group (SHHAG), Mr Argyle said the hospital would be one of the focuses of his campaign in the Healesville region.
SHHAG Chair and Yarra Ranges Mayor Fiona McAllister – speaking personally and not on behalf of the council – said she supported Mr Argyle’s nomination as a candidate.
“I know Bruce will listen to people, consult with the community and be a strong and intelligent voice for us at the state level,” she said.
Other key issues include campaigning for more uniformity in speed signs along the Warburton highway, and putting pressure on the current government to expedite the gas supply pipeline.
Public transport through the area was mentioned as a platform by Mr Argyle, though he said that he wanted to meet community members before making “rash promises”.
However, he said that his full platform on issues would be developed after consulting with community members in each town in the electorate.
He said that, even if he was defeated in the election, he aimed to put important local issues firmly in the spotlight for the major parties, and to try to put on the pressure to generate improvements.
The electorate of Eildon will be a new seat at this year’s election, taking in areas of the former electorates of Seymour and Gembrook in the Yarra Valley.
Mr Argyle will be running against current Seymour MP, Cindy McLeish and Labor candidate, Sally Brennan.
The Victorian Greens Party has not announced a candidate for the electorate.
For more information on Mr Argyle’s policies, visit or email