And one for the pot

One of the tea cosys on display. 123179 Picture: ROB CAREW

IT IS cosies galore at Warratina Lavender Farm to help raise funds for cancer research.
Created by local knitters, colourful tea cosies are adorning Warratina to help raise $10,000 for the Australian Cancer Council in its annual Tea Cosy Competition and exhibition.
A total of $250 is up for grabs for the winning tea cosy as nominated by the judging panel with the monies raised from the sale of tea cosies at the exhibition going to the Australia Cancer Council.
Owner Annemarie Manders said the exhibition was just one of the many exhibitions Warratina held to give back to the community.
“It gives me a good feeling knowing that what we are doing here is benefitting others,” she said.
“This is one way that I can give back and everybody loves being able to view the tea cosies and know that their purchases are going to a good cause.”
Warratina Lavender Farm is located at 105 Quayle Road, Wandin Yallock, with the Tea Cosy competition running from 5 to 13 July.
For more information about the farm, visit or phone 5964 4650.
To make a donation to the Australian Cancer Council, visit and click on the “sponsor me” button.