Rain above average

ABOVE average rainfall was recorded in Healesville, Hoddles Creek and Warburton last month.
Healesville’s Alma Mitchell recorded 105.5mm of rainfall over 25 days of the month, compared to 87.8mm recorded over 22 days in 2013.
In Hoddles Creek, Doug Armstrong recorded 139mm of rain over the month, compared to 120mm the year before, while Warburton’s Keith Thomas recorded 152mm – well above the month’s average of 116.7mm.
Mr Armstrong and Mr Thomas both noted an increase in rainfall over the last seven months, when compared to the January-July period in 2013.
Mr Armstrong recorded 610mm in the seven months last year, with 675mm so far in 2014, while Mr Thomas recorded 737mm, which is dramatically higher than the average of 694.3mm.
Melbourne’s storage dams are in good form, at 77 per cent capacity.