Reserve a place on walk with history

TIME is running out to reserve a piece of history on the incredible Healesville Railway Walk because construction will begin soon!
Pavers can be ordered through Robyn Johnson on 0407 533 087.
She will be able to tell callers where they can pick up an order form so families and businesses can be part of Healesville’s history.
Residents can help decorate the town for the Healesville 150 Street Parade on 8 November.
Community 3777 has organised another Bunting and Flag Making Workshop at the Memo Hall this Sunday 31 August.
The workshop will be held in the upstairs meeting room from noon to 3pm.
Those who wish to take part should bring along pieces of bright colourful fabric, no smaller than an A4 sheet of paper, scissors labelled with their name on, a sewing machine if they’re competent sewer, any thread, tape or bias binding they would like to donate, and a plate to share for afternoon tea.
There will be skilled people available on the day to organise and assist, and they will be the main sewing people, so no one should feel shy, just come along and enjoy the fun!
Those who would prefer to just come along and watch, and maybe donate some afternoon tea will be most welcome – they can tell some jokes and just join in the fun!
The aim will be to make plenty of decorations for the Main Street for the street parade day in November and add colour and atmosphere to the Grand Parade!
Contact Karen Meulemann on 0409 410 907 for further information or go to
Healesville Heritage Festival last week launched its website, so go along to for all the information on this amazing festival which is shaping up to be one of the biggest festivals in regional Victoria this year!
For those who would like to register as a stall holder in the local produce area at the festival, there is an application form on the website!
– The Steering Committee