What a dud

DANIEL Andrews’ election promise that they will not turn the North-South Pipeline on is simply an admission by Labor that the pipeline is a “dud”.
Poorly designed, extremely expensive to use and maintain and of no benefit whatsoever to the donor region, that is the Goulburn River catchment.
Sugarloaf Reservoir, the Melbourne Water dam that is the only supply point for the pipeline is currently 95.1 per cent full and does not have the capacity to receive 75 megalitres per year of Goulburn River Water.
So it is patently obvious that, even if the pipeline was turned on, the water has nowhere to go.
Just another one of the Labor Party’s ill-conceived ideas.
The electricity cost alone of pumping pipeline water 285 metres up and over the Great Divide to Melbourne is horrendous.
Come election day, just remember your $750 million lies buried under the ground, between Yea and Sugarloaf, from which we will never receive any benefit whatsoever.
Jan Beer,