Editor’s goodbye

TODAY we celebrate our last paper of 2014, and for me, my last paper at the Mail.
I’ve throughly enjoyed my seven years at the Mail and sister company Star News Group, but have made the difficult decision to try a new challenge in the daily breaking news cycle.
I’ve loved every moment here – the beautiful drives through the Ranges and Valley, the friendly faces I met along the way and those of you who trusted me to tell your story.
There’s been some obviously memorable stories – Black Saturday, Tecoma McDonald’s, the Olinda Pool and others that will always stick at the back of my mind, including my story on forced adoption for single mothers with then Yarra Junction resident June Smith.
For each and every one of you I have met, I wish you luck, health and prosperity.
You never know, we might cross paths again some day.
Melissa Meehan,
now former Editor,
Mail Newspaper Group.