Sharp’s a grand ‘old man’

Les Sharp (centre) with Don Tomkins and Gruyere CFA colleague and friend Don Bigham who has 53-years brigade service. 129998_01.


LES Sharp is one of a handful of CFA volunteers around the Yarra Valley who can claim more than 50 years of service to their local brigade.
The veteran firefighter that Wandin Fire Brigade members call, with great respect, ‘the old man’ received his 55-year CFA Service Medal in October.
It’s the latest accolade of many over the years, and recognition of a life-time of dedication, hard work and inspiration.
Les followed in his grandfather’s footsteps when he joined the Wandin brigade as a volunteer in 1959.
His philosophy is that whatever you do, you don’t settle for the back row.
“If you’re going to be in something … anything, then put your life into it and enjoy it,” he said of his involvement in the CFA. And, incidentally, he takes the same approach with his 30-year involvement in Wandin Rotary Club.
Les, now 73, led the brigade as Captain for 20 years from 1985 to 2005 and has over the years served in a number of brigade roles.
He has led the former Killara Group as Group Officer and Group Secretary with value added to his skills as an already accomplished firefighter and brigade officer to gain formal qualifications in a range of fire-fighting, leadership and rescue work.
Fellowship and teamwork rate highly with Les in terms of what being a firefighter and a brigade member, is all about.
He has been part of numerous major Victorian fires starting with the 1962 fires and including Ash Wednesday in ’83 and Black Saturday five years ago.
The campaign fires around Victoria and interstate can involve a commitment of weeks rather than days and Les was a strike team leader in a number of them.
“I enjoyed the fellowship as well as knowing that the outcomes we were there for were important,” he said.
He rates one of the biggest achievements of the brigade as the formation of the Wandin Rescue around 1965, before the SES started up.
Les said Wandin was one of the first rescue services in Victoria, trained up to rescue people from car crashes.
“We had a year with nine fatalities between Wandin and Lilydale and were trying to get people out of cars with hacksaws and crowbars, and that’s what got us involved in rescue.
“We are all trained up in fire-fighting and rescue and we still do quite a lot of that rescue work,” he said.
At the award presentation, CFA District 13 Operations Officer, Don Tomkins, congratulated Les acknowledging his contribution exceptional.
Tribute was paid to his “ … ongoing commitment to the brigade and the CFA over many years without seeking personal reward”.
Les is the brigade’s sole Life Member of the CFA and among his many accolades are the prestigious National Medal (1993) and the National Emergency Medal (2013) for his Black Saturday contribution.
Would he recommend life as a CFA volunteer to others?
He says while it’s an individual choice, particularly in terms of staying involved for as long as he has, but he is also heartened by the young generation of Wandin firies who are a great example of the camaraderie that he has fostered and still enjoys.
“The young people we have here are excellent,” he said. “They have fun and they are taking over officer positions and other responsibilities to run the brigade.”
Other service awards presented on the night were five-year certificates to Elizabeth Hewitt, Jacquie Lowrie and Dale Ross, who was named Wandin Firefighter of the Year. Ryan Haley, Penelope Harris, Dan Lowrie and Ben Watts, received 10-year medals. Service Medal upgrades were presented to Merv Hearne for 20 years and Mick Dillema for 30 years.
Another special presentation was to Andrew Webber who was awarded Life Membership of the Wandin Fire Brigade.