Don’t be a dill with fire


POLICE have issued a warning that rain does not equate to a burn-off permit.
Warburton police had three callouts last week to people burning off illegally, despite signs and other publicity that the Fire Danger Period is in operation and fire restrictions are in place.
The message was delivered strongly at the fire information evening in Warburton in December that the CFA and police are taking a zero-tolerance approach to enforcing fire restrictions.
“People should know better, there has been plenty of advertising, and if they are unsure, they need to check with their local CFA or go online and find out what their obligations are,” Senior Constable Tony Pagels said last week.
“With the hard-waste collection coming up there is a further opportunity to get rid of material people don’t want, or you can take it to the tip,” he said.
Warburton Sergeant Tom Wilkinson added that anyone responsible for a fire could also find themselves responsible for more than the offences relating to lighting the fire.
“They are taking a big risk and if any fire results in more serious repercussions, they could find themselves facing serious criminal charges, for instance if the fire gets away,” he said.
“Don’t be misguided by the weather conditions; they can change very quickly, even if it’s raining, the penalties are still there,” he said.