Fun run on serious note

U3A sculptor Fritz Rappold with the hand-crafted half-marathon trophies, along with Up and Running committee members Lesley Grimes, Kim Nanscawen and Michael Alter. 134610_01. Picture: ROB CAREW.


UP TO 1000 participants are expected to pull on race bibs for the Community Bank Warburton Up and Running fun run on Sunday.
The event, now in its 12th year, continues to grow in popularity with serious runners, beginners and family groups making their way to the tourist town at the end of the line to enjoy the challenges of a serious running event in a beautiful environment.
Visitors from around the state line-up for the Kids’ Dash, the five and 10 kilometre walk/run events and for the prestigious Oscar’s Half Marathon.
Adding to the $5000 on offer in cash and prizes this year are the beautiful hand-carved timber trophies created by members of the U3A Upper Yarra Wood Carving Group.
Sue Hoffman is one of the organisers of the event which last year raised $6500 for the Warburton CFA and Upper Yarra SES.
“Our aim is to make this the best Up and Running event ever, and to raise even more this year for these great emergency service organisations,” she said.
Sue said Warburton businesses were once again getting behind the event with special offers for businesses displaying ‘Present Your Race Bib’ signs in their windows, and in showbags.
All the events start and finish at the Warburton football ground with the half-marathon first of the blocks at 7.30am.
The new website – , is packed with training information and tips (handy even for last-minute entrants), along with video footage of the courses and online registration, open until midnight on Thursday 19 February.
Entries on the day will incur an additional administration fee.
For further information, email .