Abbott treads thin line

TONY Abbott treads a very thin line with his intention to remove ‘the benefit of the doubt’, which is the basic tenet of our legal system.
Prior to the Lindt Cafe shooting, our security services received 16 warnings about the man responsible.
They took no notice.
We obviously need a review of our security services protocols and Centrelink procedures, not a knee-jerk reaction leading to a reduction in our liberty.
Removing an outfit like Hizb ut Tahrir is another issue.
They have made it clear they wish to introduce a world caliphate under Sharia law, which is the antithesis of our democratic institutions and therefore our legal system.
There is no room for them in our society, any more than there would be for a Nazi Party.
Tony Abbott ought to consider the words of Benjamin Franklin before he goes off half-cocked.
Tony Jones,
Badger Creek.