Golf results

Stableford – A Grade D Annan (guest), with 38 points. B Grade M. Dobson (38). Balls down to 33. N.T.P’s were 3rd R. Lategan (guest), 12th P. Brownlie (guest), 17th R. Ryan.
On Saturday, the club conducted its AGM for 2015, reporting on the 2014 year. After a successful meeting, golfers then went out and played for the President’s/Captain’s Cup. After a dour battle, in which many good 4BBB scores were posted, the President’s team was declared the winners on the day, by a narrow margin.
The President accepted the trophy with somewhat guilty feelings, as he had not led the team to victory due to a suspect hamstring that he sustained playing another sport that is not as kind to him.
He did, however, acknowledge the fine efforts of his team, especially the top-scoring pair of David ‘Walk-on-Waters’ and Craig-Brown.
Their 49 points was easily the best score of the day, and resulted in the President’s team ‘falling over the line’. The President also, begrudgingly, acknowledged the 5-pointer that his wife scored at the Par 3 fifth hole. All-in-all a great time was had by all, (except Craig-Brown, who also sustained a hamstring injury with 3 holes to go).