April showers aplenty


WARBURTON had above-average rainfall in April with Keith Thomas recording 117mm against the average of 105.1mm. The total for 2015 to date is 302mm against the average of 340.8mm.
In Hoddles Creek, Doug Armstrong’s gauge showed 111mm over 15 days, compared to 120mm over 13 days last year, and his January to April tallies are 312mm, considerably higher than last year’s 241mm.
The average April rainfall in Hoddles Creek is 94mm.
Alma Mitchell in Healesville recorded 74.4mm over 16 days, compared with significantly more last year – 120.7mm over the same number of rainy days.
Melbourne’s storage dams are still in good shape with 1,269,702m.ltrs being held, which equates to 70.1 per cent of capacity.