Wake up, road users

I DON’T want to pick fights and, in my preamble, I concur that Healesville drivers are exceptionally polite, so it is relaxing to drive in the town (some weekends excluded).
In my 35 years in the area, I have probably only had one or two minor dings with cars in The Walk car-park, none I believe on the street.
However – accepting that drivers on Nyora Rd, Mount Toolebewong are becoming more courteous by the week – one or two drivers per every seven days don’t keep left and nearly wipe me off the road.
One day, I may just give up, or not swerve on a road that is increasingly becoming more dangerous, as the road is not widened to accept more traffic.
The consequences of swerving and avoiding vehicles which cut corners is to send me into the bank as I drive upwards, or off the road going downwards, or wipe off the driver’s new beautiful huge shiny black SUV (of which I didn’t see many in New Zealand or China).
What is it with us as a culture, huh?
This letter is merely a comment, and not a threat, but incidents do happen.
Graham Answerth,