Care cap off



THE Municipal Association of Victoria has defended Yarra Ranges Council’s approval of a policy amendment that will remove a limit placed on the reimbursement of councillor expenses.

The decision that was passed at council’s 27 October meeting came after the issue of councillor entitlements came to a head, after Cr Fiona McAlister requested the capped limit on childcare reimbursements be increased to $9000, which would cover expenses she had incurred.

But the decision to remove the cap completely has come under significant fire in the media in recent weeks, most notably from 3AW radio’s Tom Elliott, who has condemned the decision as outrageous and undemocratic.

On his regular Council Watch segment, Elliott has said he is “not going to let this one go” and pleaded with his audience that “you’ve got to have a system where there are reasonable controls on expenses”.

Elliott has argued that it is wrong for ratepayers to pay childcare expenses for councillors, as well as saying the cap removal leaves the reimbursement system open for abuse.

But MAV chief executive officer, Rob Spence, who refused an invitation to appear on Elliott’s segment, told the Mail he believed there were flaws in Elliott’s arguments.

“The comparison of councillors as employees is unfair,” he said.

“Mayors get paid more … but as a councillor you get paid a low amount … probably low $20,000 … and it’s a huge time commitment, you definitely don’t do it for the money.

“It’s only for legal reasons councillors are deemed as employees, it’s more about what you can do for your community.“

Mr Spence said all councillors were required to fill out an application form to claim reimbursements, with what was deemed reasonable being guided by council policy.

He said reimbursements would only be approved for what was required while undertaking council duties, not for any training or additional items outside of the role’s requirements.

He believed the complete removal of the cap would not hurt councillor accountability.

“We had a major review some years back (2008) and one of the things dealt with was some councillors felt disadvantaged because they were also carers,” he said.

“They may have been looking after children, aged parents.

“The removal of the cap ensures such discrimination does not occur, which may take away quality representatives.”

However, Elliott told the Mail this argument didn’t sit well with him, particularly in relation to childcare reimbursements.

“It’s nonsense for council to claim that childcare subsidies are needed to combat discrimination,” he said.

“The choice to have children is a personal one.

“In this era of cheap and freely available contraception, children are not forced upon anyone with half a brain.

“It is not the responsibility of employers to pay for childcare.

“Children are indeed expensive for employees.

“But they’re also a source of much joy denied to the childless.

“Should employers pay for employees to have IVF treatment?

“Of course not.”

Mr Spence said he could not see any reason in appearing on Elliott’s program.

“There was no point in going on air because I’m just quoting the law,” he said.

“In Section 75 of the Local Government Act, it states a councillor must be reimbursed for duties undertaken while fulfilling the role.

“This is not an undemocratic decision, because it was passed in parliament and it was a democratic process.”

Yarra Ranges councillor Len Cox said he agreed with Mr Spence’s point on comparing councillors with employees.

“You try bringing up a family on $25,000 a year,” he said.

“Some are trying to turn back the clock and not have young mothers in government.

“There are no secrets, all those figures become public property, you can get those figures from council.”

Cr Cox said the policy change was in line with many other councils.

“We had a cap on the issue of childcare and we were not supposed to have a cap,” he said.

The Yarra Ranges Council policy on reimbursements is required to be reviewed again 12 months after next year’s general election.

Let us know what you think, should there be greater transparency on councillor entitlements?