By Kath Gannaway
WARBURTON artist Carolyn Vickers freely admits to being “a little bit obsessed”.
But, it’s a beautiful obsession that enriches her life and her art.
“I use my dog Maisy quite a lot in my work … she is a very good muse,” Carolyn said in explanation of the title of her exhibition that officially opened at the Waterwheel Gallery in Warburton on Saturday, 26 November.
The collection of 17 oil and watercolour works makes up the exhibition “A Little Bit Obsessed” in which Carolyn uses a lot of animal imagery to represent feelings, moods or states of being.
Light also features strongly, and in her other life as a nurse, Carolyn is often travelling through the valley in the early morning, capturing on film and in her artist’s mind the colours and textures of light at that special time of day.
“I want to capture a mood, it could be vulnerability … it could be joy, and to get people feeling something from the works which are based in nature and around animals,” Carolyn said as the exhibition came together last week.
Dog dreaming is one of those works that beautifully conveys the joy and amusement that most dog owners will connect with as their own ‘muse’ dreams of whatever dogs dream about.
Carolyn has been passionate about art all her life and says while she has worked through various styles over the years, her current works combine a little bit of abstract to fairly representational.
“A Little Bit Obsessed” is on show, with works for sale, until 14 December at The Waterwheel Gallery, 3400 Warburton Highway, Warburton. Phone 5966 9600.