Market helps keep us safe
Cheque presentation (back, from left) Maree Marshall and Adele Paisley (market), Bjorn Boenig, Barry Booker, Adam Pelling and Frank Colverson (Yarra Junction CFA), Michael Young (SES) Rod Lynn and Les Hart (Little Yarra CFA), Andy McDonald and Cathy McDonald (Reefton CFA) and Jeremy Hardy (Yellingbo CFA). (Front, from left) Renelle Verkes (Hoddles Creek CFA), Merril Brunt and Julie Young (SES) and Paul Spinks, Fiona Pettigrew and Neil Shankley (Yellingbo CFA). 174713_01 Picture: KATH GANNAWAY
Market helps keep us safe
By Kath Gannaway Five Upper Yarra CFA brigades and the Upper Yarra SES have each received donations of $2000 from […]