No kidding … it’s trivia for a great cause

Students Jordan Teasdale, Ellie Stevens, Cameron Boeder and Kristin Kidd with Wilma Best from Rotary. 183567_01. Picture: Kath Gannaway.

By Kath Gannaway

The Milking Cow and Goat Project started by Healesville Rotarian Wilma Best in 2007 has resonated with successive groups of Healesville High Students in recent years.

A new group of Year 12 VCAL students has taken up the challenge of organising and running the annual Trivia Night which raises funds for the project.

The plight of children and families in the Kariakomo Compound in Kenya drove Wilma to start the project which supplies Toggenburg milking goats to the village.

The breed was chosen for their proven milk production of four litres of milk per day and fundraising and donations enabled the gift of 45 goats between 2010 and 2012.

“The target is 75 goats that would provide each village group consisting of a grandmother caring for up to 10 orphans – with one goat,” Wilma said.

“We know that those groups who have received a milking goat to feed milk to children and have a little milk to sell, are doing very well. They treasure the goats as precious animals and the children assist in collecting goat food and water.”

Student Kristin Kidd said it was a great project to be involved in from organising the venue and gathering prizes to coming up with the trivia questions and ensuring the technology is all in hand by the big night.

“It’s a fantastic cause and helping other people, especially children, is great,” Kristin said.

“To be helping someone like Wilma in the terrific work she does, and just getting out into the community is something that is really good to be involved in.”

Looking over the whiteboard tracking donations for the raffles, auction and prize pool, Wilma said she was tremendously impressed with the hard work and planning that looks set to make the 2018 event a huge success.

“We have heaps of donations and slowly have more coming in,” Kristen said. Everyone we’ve asked has been more than willing to help; the response is great.”

All that is needed now is a sell-out crowd with cash to splash!

The Trivia Night is on Thursday, 9 August, at the Darron Honey Centre in Healesville, with all funds raised going to support the Healesville Rotary Club’s ongoing work on the Milking Cow and Goat Project.

To register a table, or join one, phone the school on 5962 4088, or email .