Protests halt Toolangi logging coupes

Protesters at the Toolangi forest.

By Jed Lanyon

Forest Conservation Victoria has held a peaceful protest to halt logging operations in Toolangi.

One protester was suspended 30 metres up on a tree platform on Wednesday 20 February, forcing VicForests to halt logging operations.

The blockade came after volunteer citizen scientists reported finding a critically endangered fish species in the area.

The barred galaxias is typically found in the upper headwaters of the Goulburn River and its distribution stream has declined by about 95 per cent, according to the Victorian action statement on the species.

Conservation group Wildlife of the Central Highlands (WOTCH) claimed that explosives were being used to clear land within 70 metres of the creek system of the barred galaxias, while an access track about 150 metres upstream from the fish had been bulldozed.

WOTCH spokeswoman Hayley Forster questioned why the process of recording endangered species was left to community groups.

“The logging of the beautiful Castella forest block will undoubtedly place this newly recorded population of barred galaxias at great risk of localised extinction,” she said.

“The government put so much time, money and effort into trying to save the species from extinction after the devastating 2009 Black Saturday fires, it would be such a shame to lose a population that’s only just been discovered.”

VicForests corporate affairs general manager, Alex Messina, said VicForests was carefully and sensitively planning the harvest of this coupe.

“We are undertaking roading activities, including minor blasting, in the Castella Quarry coupe including upgrading an existing road and crossing,” he said.

“Vibration monitoring equipment in place have recorded no significant results.

“This coupe is also adjacent to a large quarry which regularly conducts blasting operations.

“A 30 metre buffer is in place on both sides of the stream to protect water quality following the detection of barred galaxias in the coupe.

“A buffer of this distance is compliant with relevant standards to protect barred galaxias during operations.”