The Victorian government’s Dining and Entertainment Program – Eat. Play. Cash Back, has wrapped up after less than three weeks since it began on Monday 19 September as Victorians meet the threshold of $2.5 million in claims.
Consumers have been able to claim 25 per cent cash back on entertainment and dining purchases of $40 or more through the program, which closed on Monday 3 October.
More than 18,300 claims were made in the Yarra Ranges through the program, with consumer spending in the area on dining and entertainment experiences worth more than $2.39 million.
People claimed back more than $513,900 cash back from purchases in the Yarra Ranges.
On Sunday 2 October, Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Ben Carroll confirmed there had been more than 700,000 successful claims made over the preceding two weeks.
Dining out and take-away also was a hit with almost 80 per cent of all claims so far spent on restaurants, pubs, cafes and winery experiences as of Sunday 2 October.
Almost 65 per cent of Victorians who made a claim said they made their purchase because of the program or spent more than they otherwise would have.
Families spent plenty of time enjoying the school holidays and AFL Grand Final long weekend festivities, making the most of the state’s world-class entertainment scene, with the Melbourne Royal Show, cinema trips, museums, and zoos among the most popular for claims.