Healesville Primary honours late principal in hall renaming

Howard Jones' wife Sheree Jones unveiled the sign. PICTURES: RENEE WOOD

By Renee Wood

Healesville Primary School held a special ceremony on Friday 14 October for the naming of the school’s hall in honour of late principal Howard Jones.

Mr Jones was a well-respected and much-loved principal who led the school in his position from 1997 to 2008 when he retired.

Sadly he died in 2020 and to honour his legacy and all he achieved; the school hall has now been unveiled as the Howard Jones Hall.

The fitting tribute comes after Mr Jones fought tirelessly to get major funding for the school’s strategic plan after a devastating fire destroyed a historic school building in 2000 which housed several classrooms.

Past Deputy Principal Rod Hysted worked alongside Mr Jones and said he truly cared about the school and welfare of all students, teachers and parents.

“Howard was a wonderful man, a man of compassion and a man of real vision,” Mr Hysted said.

From the time he began as principal, Mr Jones pushed to bring forward a positive future for the school and its students by delivering the strategic plan.

Following the fire, this was something that needed to be delivered immediately and the battle for funding and works began.

Mr Jones lobbied government to get funding to see works commence and was instrumental in seeing a new hall built, knocking back the idea that a ‘multi-purpose classroom’ was all that was needed.

“His love for the kids flowed to the wonderful staff and parents and families and students at the school and he wanted Healesville Primary School to be the best possible school,” Mr Hysted said.

Past student Nelson Aldridge shared his respect and admiration for Mr Jones, which so many other students shared, and said diversity, inclusion and respecting others were his values which are still present today.

“As an indigenous student, Howard made sure that myself and other indigenous students had the chance to connect to culture and have every opportunity to engage in cultural activities,” Mr Aldridge said.

Mr Jones’ family, Sheree, Damian and Troy Jones attended for the occasion to unveil the sign in honour of their husband and father.

“it’s an amazing tribute to Howard and we just think it’s wonderful that the school has thought to do that,” Ms Jones said.

The sign is detailed and shares the story of Mr Jones’ time there so that students for generations to come will know of his great efforts and why his legacy is so important.