Bus Transport changes announced

Multiple service changes have been announced. Picture: ON FILE

By Tanya Steele

Changes to the Yarra Valley bus network are soon to take effect after an announcement was made last week.

Public Transport Minister Ben Carroll announced the changes on Wednesday 26 April and said they would improve the services.

“We’re improving the Yarra Valley bus network, with more direct and higher frequency services to make catching the bus a better option for locals travelling to employment, education, shops, healthcare and other transport modes,” he said.

The route changes and additional services will commence later this year, following consultation with the community and local councils.

They form part of Victoria’s Bus Plan, which is designed to deliver improvements to the state’s bus network.

Route 685 will be upgraded to link Healesville, Healesville Sanctuary, Badger Creek, Coldstream and Yarra Glen and will become the primary public transport connection to Lilydale Station.

Services will increase on this route to a 40-minute frequency on weekdays and Saturdays, and a 60-minute frequency on Sundays, with more evening services added.

Route 686 Healesville to Badger Creek will be replaced by the extended route 685 which will provide a consistent service to the Badger Creek area.

In response to low patronage Route 687 Healesville to Chum Creek will be discontinued.

Route 684 from Eildon will terminate at Lilydale Station allowing passengers to connect to train services to complete their journey to the city.

In response to community feedback through the consultation process, the service will extend to Ringwood Station instead of Chirnside Park Shopping Centre, providing additional transport and shopping connections.

The service will also wait for up to 20 minutes at Ringwood Station for late running trains, ensuring Eildon passengers do not miss their connection.

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh said they’ve listened to the community.

“The upgrades to the Yarra Valley bus network will give locals more options about when they travel and get them where they need to go,” he said.

The 684 service changes are not supported by a local group in Buxton called “Save the Bus action group” which wants the service to be left as a bus only service from Eildon all the way into the CBD.

More to follow in future editions.