Litter bug leaving too much trash

Chum Creek residents have been picking up the litter but have no idea why the rubbish keeps getting dumped along the same areas. Picture: FACEBOOK

By Tanya Steele

Chum Creek residents have become increasingly frustrated in the last few months by unexplained littering along one of their residential roads.

Bags of rubbish have been found dumped along the roadside and the bags are being run over by cars, which is spreading litter all over the streets.

A resident of Chum Creek said that bags of household rubbish have been appearing for the last five months and that they and other residents have been regularly finding rubbish strewn about the area.

“There’s soft drink tins, plastic bags, normal household rubbish, it’s being dumped on the side of the road,” they said.

“Cars are hitting it and it’s being scattered around – most recently noticed some coming home on the evening of Thursday 7 September, it was all along the aqueduct.”

Concerns from residents include the damage to the local environment and potential accidents with vehicles colliding with the rubbish.

The rubbish appears to be mostly household in origin and appears to be everything from plastic bags and food waste to old paint tins.

“One time someone dumped drums of paint in the middle of the road – that could have caused a major accident and another time it was a wooden door,” they said.

The residents have been cleaning up the trash and putting it in their own bins, but want to resolve the issue peacefully.

“If it’s deliberate – it is a strange thing, a few people have commented on the Chum Creek Facebook notice board,” they said.

“We just want to know what is going on – especially if whoever is involved needs some support.”