Healesville SES successfully managed bad weather calls

The SES Healesville Unit got seven calls in about 50 hours. Picture: ON FILE

By Dongyun Kwon

Heavy rain from Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 April made a local emergency service hectic.

The SES Healesville Unit got seven calls in about 50 hours.

Healesville SES controller Andrew Worley said the unit got a mixture of calls for assistance from building damages to fallen trees.

“People requested assistance to do with mostly water entering people’s houses and also trees on roads which caused traffic hazards,” he said.

“Some of the trees were on the Maroondah Highway and also a number of smaller roads, especially after the large amount of rain we had.

“We’ve cleaned those roads and also the council assisted in clearing some of the small ones.”

The first call was alerted just before 10am on Monday and the last one was at around 10.15am on Wednesday.

Mr Worley said his team triaged and prioritised the jobs to deal with many calls.

“When there’s bad weather, we tend to get a lot of calls in a short period of time, so we prepare for that in advance when we have a warning about incoming severe weather,” he said.

“We also triage and prioritise the jobs based on the impact to the community and how important it is and we attend to those which are most important first.”